where was casino filmed

where was casino filmed

Where Was Casino Filmed? A Look at the Locations Behind the Las Vegas GlamourCasino, the 1995 epic directed by Martin Scorsese, is more than just a movie about gambling. Its a sprawling saga of power, corruption, and the dark underbelly of the Las Vegas Strip. But did you know that the films gritty realism wasnt just created by the actors and the script? The locations where Casino was filmed play a crucial role in setting the stage for this unforgettable story.From the glitz of the Las Vegas Strip to the desolate Nevada desert, the film captures the contrasts of this iconic city. The Tangiers Casino: The heart of the film, the Tangiers Casino, was actually filmed in a real casino, the Riviera Hotel and Casino. This nowclosed establishment was once a major player in the Las Vegas scene, and its iconic facade provided the perfect setting for the movies casino action. The Desert Landscapes: The films many exterior shots of the desolate Nevada desert were filmed in various locations around Las Vegas and the surrounding area. These stunning shots capture the stark beauty of the desert, contrasting with the artificial world of the Strip. The City of Los Angeles: While Casino is set in Las Vegas, some scenes were actually filmed in Los Angeles, including the iconic opening sequence featuring the drive through Las Vegas. Beyond the familiar locations, Casino also features some lessknown spots. For example, the iconic Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign was actually filmed in a studio, not on its actual location.Casino is a film that captures the essence of Las Vegas, both its dazzling glamour and its hidden darkness. By carefully choosing locations that fit the films story, Martin Scorsese created a visual masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences today. So, the next time you watch Casino, pay attention to the locations. Theyre not just scenery theyre an integral part of the films power and impact.

where was casino filmed